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A clearer vision of what’s coming next

Step up! means the professional guidance trough a path of ideas, strength and questions that everybody needs and so was my experience during the consultation. All of those ideas and questions were slowly cleared, answered, explained and understood.

Before the Step up! experience I had different ideas of what my future in this new country would be. A whole list of careers, jobs, possibilities with nothing in common were in my head plus a new language and that was starting to wake up a fear in me. I was struggling of picking the right path and of course I was not sure. I didn’t dare to make a choice because based on that decision my future will develop. Do I want to do this? Or that? Should I better study that or work in this company? Were my weekend questions. After a research and a lot of luck, I heard about Step up!.

Step up! means the professional guidance trough a path of ideas, strength and questions that everybody needs and so was my experience during the consultation. All of those ideas and questions were slowly cleared, answered, explained and understood. My experience during the consultation was determinant because now I can aim to the goals that will fit the best for me without fearing going in the wrong way.

The whole consultation day I was excited, optimistic, curious and happy to know that somebody will take care of my profile and in many ways help me to feel better. I’m very grateful with my consultant, the Step Up team and specially with those who took me there. I also found convenient to have the opposite profile than my consultant because that made the experience more enriching and unique. Thanks to her abilities, experience, professionalism and knowledge I can say I had a successful and productive day there.

Not so long after the day, I notice many changes on me. The way I think, talk about some topics and see the world has changed. Now I can say I have a clearer vision of what’s coming next and that keeps me motivated, strong, awake. I’ve got a lot of work to do, since I come from a country far away from here, I need to prepare, collect and translate all of the required documentation in order to take place in an apprenticeship. I’m sure all the work and effort will be worth, rewarded and appreciated.


Stipendiat seit April 2020

«A clearer vision of what’s coming next»


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