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Hi there again!

The Step up! experience gave me motivation to continue learning the German language, for that reason I’m very grateful. I’m looking forward to continue my education and therefore I’m actively looking for a B2 level course, however where I live, I have the feeling that it’s not so easy to find.

Hi there again! Here I am after six months from my first report. I have had a magnificent experience during this time (besides the pandemic) which in my opinion, has changed the whole world. I will start with the integration class that I just complete. There where two parts, the first one was the language course in the one I reached the level B1 in the German language. I’m very proud of myself because thanks to my discipline and hard work, I had a very good score in the exam. The second part was the orientation course, there I learned so many interesting facts about the German culture, politic, laws and history. The result of the exam for that course was impressive as well. I can say I enjoyed that time and I’m very grateful to have had that experience.

The Step up! experience gave me motivation to continue learning the German language, for that reason I’m very grateful. I’m looking forward to continue my education and therefore I’m actively looking for a B2 level course, however where I live, I have the feeling that it’s not so easy to find.

About what I want to do next and according to the results of all the test I made six months ago I’m unfortunately not completely sure of which is the Ausbildung that I want to pick. The reasons are many but in my opinion it’s because in my current job I have a possibility of picking an Ausbildung that was not suggested in the test results. Because the pandemic I was forced to change my job and right now Im very happy with the new one.

In the next weeks I will have a meeting with the owners of the place where I work and according to my skills and feedback of my colleagues I hope I can decide a path to go in my working life.


Stipendiat seit April 2020

«A clearer vision of what’s coming next»


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A clearer vision of what’s coming next

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